Marziya Shakir Youngest Street Photographer Bandra

Marziya Shakir Youngest Street Photographer Bandra
Marziya Shakir

Goodbye Uncle Rajesh Khanna Babumoshai

Goodbye Uncle Rajesh Khanna Babumoshai
Goodbye Uncle Rajesh Khanna Babumoshai

Friday, July 29, 2011

Shakir Sisters of Bandra Marziya and Nerjis Asif Shakir

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Marziya Shakir on Google+

Marziya Shakir Worlds Youngest Street Photographer Is On Google Plus

She has Marc Zuckerburg and Vic Gundotra in her Circle..

Friday, July 8, 2011

Grand Pa Why Do You Want To Go In Circles With Google Plus Cant You Hang Out at Facebook..

little marziya shakir
worlds youngest
street photographer
gave me a dirty look
marc zuckerburg
our patron saint
a spark you
cant unhook
he is our early
morning hope
top news our
prayer book
dont get seduced by
wily vic bait line
sinker and hook
grand pa dont
be greedy
for google plus
please change
your outlook
too much broth
no gravy spoils
the cybernetic cook
Google buzz
Google wave
no mountain shook
social networking
is about big fat bucks
overflowing cash book

I Am Glorifying God Through An Act of a Child

She could be anyone's granddaughter or child, but a child imbibes absorbs the people in the house , and Marziya has learnt much on her own through observation, so being a the youngest street photographer is not much of a big deal but understanding God his mercy his benevolence charity makes the child complete.

I made Marziya see life the slums the beggars different places of worship and shoot them too.. it may change her but it did change my life..

And Marziya hates it when I shoot her praying or eating food .. she complained to my wife ..that Dada does not allow me to pray in peace... Marziya is 3 and a half year old school going child..