Marziya Shakir Youngest Street Photographer Bandra

Marziya Shakir Youngest Street Photographer Bandra
Marziya Shakir

Goodbye Uncle Rajesh Khanna Babumoshai

Goodbye Uncle Rajesh Khanna Babumoshai
Goodbye Uncle Rajesh Khanna Babumoshai

Monday, October 31, 2011

Marziya Little Goatherd

We Will Miss You This Parsi New Year Mr Vazifdar

"Death levels everybody, whether he dies as a king on the throne or as a poor man without a bed on the ground."

Good bye Mr Vazifdar
may your soul rest in peace
from the trials tribulations
of the world you took
ultimate release
your kindness
your love
to all your friends
relatives you
did bequeath
this poem
i offer you
in return
as a wreath

ek suhana
safar hai
ek pyar
bhara geet
papeti mubarak

in a nostalgic heart beat

Mr Vazifdar died recently due to liver ailment he was very fond of Marziya my grand daughter

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Marziya Cuts My Birthday Cake

Marziya Cuts My Birthday Cake

Marziya Cuts My Birthday Cake

Marziya On My Birthday

Madhatters of Mumbai

Madhatters of Mumbai

Madhatters of Mumbai

Marziya and Me


Marziya by firoze shakir photographerno1
Marziya, a photo by firoze shakir photographerno1 on Flickr.

Marziya and Saif Shakir

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Marziyas First Bakra Idd

Marziyas First Bakra Idd

Marziya Shakir And Nerjis Asif Shakir

Marziyas First Bakra Idd

Marziyas First Bakra Idd

Marziya and the Goats

Marziya and the Goats

Marziya and the Goats

Marziya and the Goats

Marziya and the Goats

Marziya and the Goats

Marziya Shakir Bids Farewell To The Goat Before Slaughter .. Bakra Idd

Marziya Shakir Bids Farewell To The Goat Before Slaughter .. Bakra Idd

Marziya Shakir Bids Farewell To The Goat Before Slaughter .. Bakra Idd

Marziya Shakir