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Monday, March 21, 2011

Navroz Mubarak From Marziya Shakir

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Navroz or the New Day is 21st March. There are many specialties of the day. Moulla ibn Kais, one of the companions of the sixth Imam, Imam Jaffer Sadiq narrates that he visited the Holy Imam on 21st March and the Imam asked him whether he was aware of the importance of the day. Moulla replied that the day is the first day of the spring and is very important for the Iranians who observe this as a festival and exchange gifts. Imam replied that there are several attributes of the day and they are:

This is the day when Allah (SWT) took the Covenant from the souls of the humans that they should consider Him as One without any companion in prayers and that they should also believe in the Holy Prophets and the fourteen Masoomeens (the sin-less).

This is the day when the Holy Spirit entered the body of Adam and he started praying to Allah (SWT).

This is the day when the sun’s rays produce fruits and the blowing winds cause flowers to blossom and create bounties.

This is the day when the Arc of Noah rested on the mountain of Jodi

This is the day when Allah (SWT) resurrected seventy thousand dead souls who had died of plague. The prophet Hisqueel had prayed to Allah (SWT) for their life and Allah (SWT) asked him to recite a few holy words and sprinkle the water on their bones. The prophet did this (as described in Chapter II Buqra) and the dead were alive by the will of Allah (SWT). It therefore became a tradition in the remembrance of this event to sprinkle rose water or water on each other and take bath on this day.

On this day Gabriel brought the first revelation to the Prophet and this was the beginning of his prophethood.

On this day the Prophet Ibrahim was thrown in the fire of Namrood and the fire was extinguished by the will of God, and the fire was converted to a safe garden for Ibrahim .

On this day the Prophet Ibrahim destroyed the idols of Namrood.

Hazrat Ali was elected as the fourth Caliph on this day.

Hazrat Ali gained victory on the Karjites on this day

Our 12th Imam will reappear and hang Dajjal in a place known as Kinasa in Kufa.

The Holy Imams will return back to the world on this day

The sixth Imam then said Oh! Moulla ibn Khais this is the day of our friends. The Iranians observe this day with reverence and you Arabs have forgotten it.

It was on this day that 3000 people were raised from the dead after 60 years as mentioned in the Holy Quran (2:243). In a place called Raawerdaan, between Kufa and Basra. Plague would strike every year and the people who had the means would migrate to other villages. Once as they were fleeing the epidemic, Allah sent two angels, one from the front and one from the rear who shouted "die!" and instantly all the people along with their animals died on the spot. After some sixty years, when the bones had deteriorated, Ezikel ibne Yuza, the second vicegerent of Prophet Musa happened to pass this way and started to wonder how could it be possible for Allah to raise them again. A voice was heard which told him to sprinkle water over the bones. Ezekial did as instructed and was astounded to see the bones join together in the shape of human beings and thus were they raised from the dead. It was the day of Navroz.

text from shia forums

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