154,447 items / 1,206,692 views
a story of love
in her palm
she holds
with every image
a new path unfolds
marziya shakir
3 year old
brave and bold
good as gold
on the threshold
of our household
unlearnt photography '
with a blindfold
shooting the darkness
panting with light
a mind pin holed
a vision holistically
healing karmically
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Marziya Shakir 3 Year Old
Sunday, November 28, 2010
There Is No Solution to Corruption and Scams
154,591 items / 1,208,058 views
in the soul of our nation
lies corruption and scams
politics bureaucracy
robbing the wealth
its resources
their evil minds
on the face of humanity
another door slams
the common man
like a sacrificial lamb
towers built
on the dead bodies
of martyrs posthumously
rewarded decency be damned
robbing their widows under
every pretext and sham
Teaching Photography to a One Year Old
she began learning the
art of photography
when she was born
taking this bull by the horn
on the second day
of her life on earth
as a photographer
she was reborn
with me as her Guru
theory she need not learn
wisdom she began to earn
yes she bumped samiya
from the photography cycle
now it is her turn
she watches closely
how the work is done
the third eye of shiva
embedded in the camera lens
her guru she will out run
clouds as reflectors
a single light of the sun
a task well begun
a battle she has already won
Even Children Would Love To Hurl Shoes At Politicians

Even Children Would Love To Hurl Shoes At Politicians, originally uploaded by firoze shakir photographerno1.
154,570 items / 1,207,698 views
the children of
this great nation
cant take it anymore
the children are angry
disgusted and sore
as peace bites the dust
hits the floor every time
there is a scam it gets
worse more and more
the nation decimated
divided treated like a whore
raking black money at
the expense of the
people the only score
laid back attitude
as non state actors
enter stealthily
from the seashores
security asleep
daydreams and snores
hospitality to terrorists
with open doors
dead bodies
dead memories
26/11 we ignore
making martyrs
of brave men
as the politicians
safe and sound
sleep indoors
pass the buck
on the soul
of humanity
blood and gore
god give us
good leaders '
the kids implore
as they too
hurl shoes
at a system
we all deplore
One Year Old
154,531 items / 1,207,642 views
what lies beyond
she knows
as she
beautifully grows
a street photographer
walking the walk
like firoze
with a nikon
D 80 camera
images flow
now three
marziya shakir
a tear drop
of hope
that on the cosmic
of this street poet
froze poetry
within the silhouette
of prose a wounded
world enumerated woes
where man with another
man comes to blows
those who talk of love
with hate emotions show
running faster than time
yet too slow on a
tight rope to and fro
The Birthday Girl Turns 3 - Marziya Shakir
154,437 items / 1,206,589 views
among her
best friends
her best friend
hope happiness joy
on both their faces
you can see
marziya shakir
soul of poetry
street photographer
capturing the soul
of humanity
the world in
her open palm
like a dew drop
of hope harmony
the birthday girl
turns three
Marziya Shakir Comes Of Age
154,188 items / 1,203,276 views
as she turns 3
on the soul of my
flickr web page
a memory
because i had a
from her birth
24 November
till this stage
moments held
in a gilded cage
as she grew
so did i
my expectations
as a grand father
as a blogger
a street photographer
she did raise
i taught her
she taught me
inbuilt wisdom
worthy of praise
life is a bubble
caught in a maze
head bowed
as the soul prays
under the chair
is a home
where she stays
all alone
with her mind
she plays
embedded in the
soul of a camera
on the surface
a smiling
pouted face
to a trickle
of water
on the sands
of karbala
her ancestry trace
a shia child
ghame hussain '
the only phrase
as humanity
is what it says
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Marziya Shakir The Worlds Youngest Street Photographer
Does Marziya Shakir Really need a Press Card to shoot Crappy pictures that you see day in and day out in our long gone to seed Indian newspapers..