Showing a Child The First Day of Ramzan On The Soul of Motherhood, a photo by firoze shakir photographerno1 on Flickr.
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This was shot in Ramzan last year but does it matter nothing much has changed .. perhaps she has another child the Muslim man even married to a woman , he forces to beg has the leisurely time to make babies.. Allah ki den hai bhai.. woh deta hai ham khushi se lete hain
And there is a lady every evening at Bandra Hill Road opposite the Tata Parsi Agairy with two children in a hijab , I shot her once but I am ashamed to shoot her , comes with her husband who makes her sit there and moves out .. so life goes on ..
I am not a judge of her life or the lives of people I shoot ...and below the madrasa guys are shouting for donations for the Mosque ceiling that fell off in the rains.. and he has a loudspeaker so he can be heard and a huge tempo to collect the loot .. if I may call it so..
And I showed all this to a two year old child Marziya Shakir my grand daughter , now she is three and a half and shoots the beggars like I do.. she shot a beggar mother and her child outside the Shia Mosque too..
Yes street photographers are poets that write incomplete poems leaving you to end it with your own thoughts too..