My Grand Kids Are Very Critical About Who Shoots Them.., a photo by firoze shakir photographerno1 on Flickr.
from my children s
a few loving moments
with fruits
of his joy i steal
for me by a
generous god
a lavish meal
she shoots me
i shoot them
the world
we heal
we are spokes
of a humble
cosmic wheel
Ruth Canonico
6:39 AM (32 minutes ago)
to me
Dear Brother Firoze,
It has been a long while since I have written to you, but I often think of you and your beautiful and moving photographs of the life of the diverse people of Mumbai Tonight, Iam watching a visit Oprah Winfrey made to India and she is jsut now in Vrindavan, 'City of Widows'.
Of course it is obvious that someone with the position of Oprah, she would ahve been offered the best of experiences, but I give her credit for wanting to visit the people who live in cramped homes of one room and share a buket shower and latrines in Mumbai, and now in this city where 16,000 widows live on the streets.
Of course she also goes to big parties and meets improtant and wealthy people, but it just shows the marked contrasts in your country, Firoze.
I love seeing your photos of your beautiful grandchildren and also the ones of your street living friends and people on the fringes of society.
May allah continue to blesss you and your family always,
I shot her
on the 7D
she shot me
quite competently
on the 60 D
grand father
grand daughter
both shoot
the dregs
of humanity
live and lets
be free
from racism
narrow mindedness
shallowness bigotry
make a new world
possible shooting
pictures as poetry
Our mission in life is to showcase the world of the poor the neglected , those who are born without hope live frugally precariously die without hope .. we are non profit making , street photographers , me my aspiring grand daughters.
We glorify the meaning of life at 0 level.. at the grassroot of despair and this is the only purpose of our photography churning images as photoblogs..
Our kind of pictures wont be seen in newspapers we are the lowest in the hierarchy of photographers .. we are looked down as amateurs time wasters and it is a fine evaluation , and because I am able to keep this alive in my grand kids I see that they wont be bothered by brand names or latest camera equipment I let them learn photography on the very camera I shoot ..
Marziya Shakir shoots on my Canon EOS 7 D vertical grip and her new Canon EOS 60D ..
Nerjis Asif Shakir 9 month old is Marziya Shakirs understudy.. they are both aspiring waiting in the wings street photographers ..blessed by the best photographers that visit our house ..our house is humbly camera friendly photographer friendly.
We hopefully wont be running for PhotoBlog Awards and our Motto is simple Fuck F Stops ..
We shoot on impulse we shoot what you wont ever bother to shoot .. but we enjoy what you shoot too.. we definitely dont aim to be celebrity cult photographers like you.. we are happy with our status.. as is where is.
And this is my first blog at 5.32 am.
My third grand daughter Zaira Saif Shakir 6 month old is ambivalent she will follow the crowd in our house ... she will end up with a camera too .. she is learning photography from her dad who is learning photography simply because he wants to be better than Marziya Shakir ..
Marziyas mom too has got the photography bug.. my wife is an ace photographer ..
My daughter is a good photographer she never shows me what she shoots .. she is the only Nikon user in my family.
We have switched loyalties to the more dependent Canon.
These are a few pictures shot by Marziya Shakir before I gave her the Canon EOS 60D ..
And for a 4 year old shooting with the heavy camera is a tough task, and so she goes wild she will hit the trigger at least 3 to 4 times ..
But her love passion for photography is intact inborn..and I told her dad my eldest son .. Marziya sees the world better because she has seen its dimensional quality of pain through the cameras vviewfinder.
I am in pain as I sprained my ankle while climbing down the steep incline going to Mr Prem Chopras house ..boss has yet to give me a car and driver as a senior citizen working for the greater good of Man and Society..
229,967 items / 1,929,975 views
As a photographer, I don't believe the camera steals a soul -- from my experience, it only serves to reveal one. It's just another tool to breathe life into the mundane and fantastic objects of the world... how lucky we are to be able to actually see through another's eye! I call that a blessing.
Yes! It makes me want to visit... there is so much texture, life and beauty -- even in the dismal conditions.... I'm glad +Firoze Shakir is here to share with those of us who can't witness for ourselves. <3
Bethany Stephenson Google+
These are words hitting the soul of find faulting Man , the Man who think cameras rob the soul of humanbeings by taking their pictures ..
And this young lady put the matter to rest by her kind words on my grand daughter Marziyas picture..
Marziya Shakir is 4 year old , began her tryst with photography when she was two and the person who blessed her molded her love for photography is a American Jew .. an integral part of our family , the only white man who made our home his home..Dr Glenn Losack MD Manhattan New York, a fantastic street photographer , Glenn is Marziyas photo guru.. I am the grand father ..
Marziyas first camera Nikon D 80 was gifted by Dr Glenn Losack , she shot the streets the beggars and the eunuchs..
Than a friend from Dubai Zain gifted her the Nikon D 3100 she used it for sometime till it was taken by my photography aspiring only daughter..
Finally my boss gifted her the Canon EOS 7 D .. that became mine by default with the vertical grip Marziya still shot pictures but got tired after a few shots..
And I collected all my resources ,borrowed a bit , to make her dream come true I gave her the Canon EOD 60 D her own camera finally.
To keep her passion alive I could have scrounged bought her a cheap plastic one saved money for a rainy day, but I did not at our house Marziya Shakir is the standard of love of photography.
So I bought her a camera that does justice to her growth as a street photographer and we dont use Nikon I say this in the same breath as we are not on Facebook...
We are serious about our choice we make in life .. it affects the direction of our pledge .. a pledge to use photography as an instrument to heal the world and on the right platform..Flivkr and Google+
This Flickr account got its lease of life a two year Pro membership thanks t Jack C Crawford my good friend on Google+..
And this post my first blog at 5.54 am is dedicated to Bethany.. God Bless you Beth
I used Nikon all my life and got sick and tired with the technology and lousy after sales overcharging mentality ,..
I have been using Canon EOS 7D I found the customer care human understanding and solved my problems,..
So my grand kids will be bought up on Canon optics ...
Since the time I attached the vertical grip to the Canon EOS 7 D Marziya Shakir found it very heavy but shot pictures without complaining..
And at the back of my head was this gnawing thought of getting her a lightweight camera suiting her passion and her love for street photography.
Today Marziya got the Canon EOS 60 D .. her own camera , to shoot her pictures without sharing it on my camera.
And I did it , encouraged inspired by my Google + friend Jack C Crawford..he has been a positive influence to my life and my grandchildren s future too..
And this shot taken by me as Marziya Shakir took her first shot is dedicated to him..
Thank you Jack.