Marziya Shakir Worlds Youngest Street Photographer, a photo by firoze shakir photographerno1 on Flickr.
Moharam continues and in a few days we will be celebrating the 40 day of the Martyrdom of Imam Hussain..and my grand daughters left to right Zinnia Fatima 2 year old , Marziya 6 year old and Nerjis Asif Shakir also two year old , understand our mourning that we call Ghame Hussain..
For Marziya Shakir , shooting pictures is the easiest thing , and handling the Canon EOS 60 D much more easier as she shoots on the heavier Canon EOS 7D with vertical grip..you have to love the camera before the camera begins to love you,, and luckily all my three grand children love the camera ..an integral pillar of hope at our house.
Shooting guests photographers is Devo Atithi Bhava.. and all three want to take a shot in the case of Mohomed Bhai of Good Luck Irani Restaurant ,, Marziya and Nerjis Zinnia go for Showrma at his restaurant ,and their Showrma is the best in Bandra ..Marziya wont touch Showrma from any other joint in Bandra.
And this was the first time Mohomed Bhai came to our home accidentally , he was at Bandra Bazar on some work, I happened to meet him and bought him to share Kava .back tea with me ..and show him the pictures of Good Luck I have shot over the years and posted here at Flickr , he had never seen them before ..
God added lines of humility
to each and everyone's cosmic plan
until he tries it .. he can..from
one end of his world to another
world span..man gods
favorite superman..
my grand daughter
marziya shakir
the easy riders
youngest fan...
Chehre Pe Sadgi Khuda Ka Noor
Prince Bluff Master RajKumar
Brahmachari Junglee Ka Beta
Behad Mashoor ..Do Paiye Ke Ghode
Par Savar Milon Dur ..Manoranjan
Sanawar ,, Yadon Se Bharpur
Zindagi Ka Safar ..Tal Aur Sur
dusri ayi moharam ki rulane ke liye
karbala pahunche sarvar gham uthane ke liye
Marziya my grand daughter had gone with her family to Mahableshwar,, I have gifted her a four feet fish tank ..it is custom made , and my entire day has gone setting it up..the cover will come later ,,
This tank is 12 mm glass and Shahid tank maker from Kurla East came home with the glass and set it up, the wrought iron stand was made by my friend Ayub bhai from Mahim..it can hold two tanks of 4 feet..
I will now sell Marziyas old 32 inch 10 mm tank on OLX...