Sunday, December 26, 2010
Marziya Shakir 3 Year Old Shoots The Bandra Mehfil Juloos 2010

Marziya Shakir 3 Year Old Shoots The Bandra Mehfil Juloos 2010, originally uploaded by firoze shakir photographerno1.
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Dressed in black a Press Card round her neck this picture was shot by my grand daughter Marziya Shakir 3 year old on the Nikon D 80.
I was not in a great frame of mind so I had planned not to cover this juloos because of my sever cold and flu but when Marziya returned home from a majlis I took her with me both of us shot a few frames.
The Mehfil juloos begins from the Bandra Mehfil and ends at the Bandra Shia Mosque Bandra Bazar Road.
This year the message of Hussain and Humanity was driven home with powerful banners placed on the Sabils.
My good friend Ashiq Ali and the boys of Anjuman e Yadgare Mehdi had really done a great job with a passion driven by their love of Hussain and their collective cause of promoting peace as the only message among all communities beyond caste color and creed.
Because of this helpful attitude of these Shia boys Furkan Mohsin Ejaaz Irfan and others even the neighboring boys non Shias come around and help in the cause of Hussainiyat.
Marziya first shot the Zanjir matam last year when she was barely two years old at the Almeida Park Moharam juloos.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Mr Razvi Saab And Marziya
Mr Razvi Saab has a great attachment with Marziya from the time she was a toddler..and Marziya too is very fond of him.
Mr Razvi lost his daughter recently and is slowly trying to come to terms with life and his pain.
Father Jude Shot By Marziya Shakir 3 Year Old Nikon D 80

Father Jude Shot By Marziya Shakir 3 Year Old Nikon D 80, originally uploaded by firoze shakir photographerno1.
If St Stanislaus was a girls school Marziya would be studying there , that I say with complete faith and conviction a school I have shot and documented like my own Alma Mater but my Alma Mater is far away and I doubt if anyone knows me Holy Name High School is where I did my schooling , it may soon be called First Lady Michelle Obama High School .
Marziya has impressed Fr Jude th Princpal of St Stanislaus High School Bandra but Fr Jude was happy when Marziya told him she will soon be joining Apostolic Carmel Convent.
This was Marziya at her very best on Xmas Eve ..
Life Grows Beneath The Lotus Feet Of A Sage
157,078 items / 1,243,274 views
i am the resurrection and the life
i am the beginning the end
of a biblical page
i evolve i hold
the center stage
i am humanity
the cause the effect
your pain i assuage
as you grow younger
wiser as you mellow
as you age
freedom is a
state of mind
even if you live
in a gilded cage
Shot By Marziya Shakir 3 Year Old On Nikon D 80

Shot By Marziya Shakir 3 Year Old On Nikon D 80, originally uploaded by firoze shakir photographerno1.
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This evening Marziya walked the entire stretch of Bandra Bazar road , we headed to St Peter Curch Bandra to wish Fr Jaun a Merry Xmas and I handed over my Nikon D 80 to Marziya to shoot the church that I have passionately shot from the time I began learning photography.
I missed Fr Lawrie and Fr Gerard , I made Marziya shoot the interior of the church too.