Saturday, May 28, 2011
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Friday, May 20, 2011
Shot By Marziya Shakir Photographer No1
186,258 items / 1,470,340 views
Marziya Shakir takes a shot what she sees what she shoots is between her and the third eye of Shiva in the camera lens , she checks the monitor after each shot but I tell her to take a shot or two more in a way it is my instruction not to take the camera or the camera eye for granted the humility of shooting the same picture has its own magic too.. and so she took 3 shots of a singe given street situation.. I call it myriad moods of street photography.
A Street Photographer Called Marziya Shakir 3 1/2 Years Old

A Street Photographer Called Marziya Shakir 3 1/2 Years Old, originally uploaded by firoze shakir photographerno1.
186,256 items / 1,470,331 views
This was shot by Marziya Shakir on the Nikon D 80 simply because I did not want to shoot him , he chews my brains every time I pass by to shoot him , and I politely refuse his request he wants me to shoot him give him a copy I shoot street pictures I dont give copies even Marziyas pictures are not made into prints.. I hate prints ..
So I allowed Marziya Shakir to take this shot of the freshwater Fish selling vendor at Bandra Bazar Road.
And thanks to my bogs Bandra Fish market the filthiest fish market in the world is finally getting a much needed makeover...
The Soul of A Photographer Lies In The Heritage of Her Humility

The Soul of A Photographer Lies In The Heritage of Her Humility, originally uploaded by firoze shakir photographerno1.
Shot by Syed Zarghamuddin
Much before Marziya learnt to shoot pictures on Nikon D 80 she learnt humility , humility gave birth to charity , she collected money kept it in a tiny purse she shot beggars and paid them for posing for her.. and Syed my dear friend has caught Marziya and Marziyas inner soul..
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Marziya Shakir Shooting Pictures With a Blindfold

Marziya Shakir Shooting Pictures With a Blindfold, originally uploaded by firoze shakir photographerno1.
151,455 items / 1,161,162 views
Since she was very tiny the only toy was a miniature camera that was part of Marziyas growing childhood , and at two years and eleven months she knows the real from the fake.
She barely touches the camera that was her training tool to shoot pictures with a blindfold .. it was to get used to the feel of the camera till it became a part of her consciousness .
It is the Nikon D 80 I mean.
She knows the buttons and she shoots vivid pictures through the soul of darkness .
This is the first disciple that has taught the Guru lessons in the Art of Unlearning Photography.